Why Your AC Unit is Blowing Warm Air

By Air Control Heating & Air
September 30, 2024
If you live in Georgia, you know how frustrating it is to crank up your AC unit on a sweltering day only to feel warm air blowing out. Unfortunately, this is a common cooling conundrum. The good news is we're here to help you diagnose the issue. Whether it's a malfunctioning thermostat, a faulty compressor, or anything in between, this article will help you narrow down the problem and determine your next steps.
Common AC Issues
Malfunctioning Thermostat
Your thermostat is the brain of the whole operation. And when it isn’t working right, you may end up with warm air. Before calling in a pro, check your settings, replace the batteries, and gently clean your thermostat to ensure dust is not interfering with sensor readings.
Dirty Air Filters
Over time, air filters accumulate dust and debris, forcing your AC unit to work harder just to push cool air through. This not only makes your AC unit less efficient but can also lead to inadequate cooling, higher energy bills, and a slew of air quality issues. That’s why we recommend changing your air filter every few months!
Refrigerant Problems
When refrigeration runs low, your cooling power takes a massive hit. This common issue is typically caused by leaks, which can pop up in various parts of your AC unit. While it may be tempting to top off refrigerant on your own, we recommend leaving this job to professionals like Air Control Heating & Air.
Mechanical Problems
Malfunctioning Compressor
Compressor issues can stem from various causes, including electrical problems, general wear and tear, or refrigerant imbalances. While minor problems can sometimes be fixed, a malfunctioning compressor often signals that it's time for a new AC unit.
Condenser Coil
Located on the outdoor AC unit, the condenser coil plays a key role in channeling heat out of your home. Over time, however, the condenser coil will accumulate dirt and debris, making your system work harder to cool. When this happens, your cooling power diminishes, which may be why your AC unit is blowing warm air.
Evaporator Coil
The evaporator coil absorbs heat from the air. However, the coil may freeze if airflow is restricted due to a dirty filter or low refrigerant issue. This not only means warm air but possible water damage as the coil thaws. If you see ice on your AC, turn it off and call in a pro.
External Factors
Blocked Vents
While blocked vents do not directly cause AC units to blow warm air, they can reduce cooling efficiency. This will make it feel like the air isn’t as cool as it should be in certain areas of your home.
Blocked Registers
Similar to blocked vents, this issue won’t directly cause your AC unit to put out warm air. However, it will contribute to uneven cooling in your home.
Outdoor Unit Obstructions
Obstructions around your outdoor AC unit may also prevent it from properly expelling heat. This can cause the system to struggle to cool air efficiently, resulting in warmer air being blown into your home.
Maintain Your System, Maximize Your Comfort
Many people put off regular maintenance—either because they do not want to spend the money or don't think it is necessary. The truth is that many residential AC repairs could have been avoided altogether by:
- Keeping up with a maintenance plan
- Preparing your HVAC system for the changing seasons
This is why we're here! At Air Control, we've built several maintenance plans to fit your budget and needs. We'll inspect your system, tune it up, and ensure it operates at peak efficiency.
Don’t Lose Your Cool! We’ve Got You Covered
Does a faulty AC unit have you feeling hot and bothered? We can help. With over 30 years of HVAC experience, we've built our reputation on treating customers with care and respect. That means transparent pricing, quality work delivered on-demand, and maintenance plans that keep your HVAC system in peak condition. Contact us today!

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